Below you'll find the answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you find that you still need assistance, we hope you will Contact Us.

    What is the expiration date on Cureton & Johnson Products?

      Cureton & Johnson products are formulated and tested to remain at optimal quality for at least three years when stored at room temperature.

        Are your products made with natural ingredients?

          Yes, at Cureton & Johnson, we believe in creating high-quality products, crafted with ingredients from natural sources.

            What is the proper way to wash my hands?

              According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, clean hands can help prevent the spread of germs and infection. To wash hands properly, wet hands with clean water, turn off tap, lather, scrub for 20 seconds - make sure you get in between your fingers and under your nails, and rinse.
              View CDC Page

                How long should I wash my hands for?

                  For effective handwashing, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends to wet hands with clean water, scrub for 20 seconds and rinse. To make it easier to get the time right, you can hum “Happy Birthday” twice as a guide.

                  View CDC Page

                  Does Cureton & Johnson have any social media channels?

                    Yes! Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @CuretonJohnson

                        Do you ship to my country?

                          We currently ship only to destinations within the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii). At this time, we do not ship orders to other countries, including Canada and Mexico.